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Test Solutions for Simulink Models & Production Code


Test Solutions for Simulink Models & Production Code


Industry Day of Formal Methods 2021 Conference

20. – 26. November 2021

Location: Online (virtual conference)

FM 2021 is the 24th international symposium in a series organized by Formal Methods Europe (FME). The topics covered include the development and application of formal methods in a wide range of domains including software, cyber-physical systems and integrated computer-based systems.

The conference is planned to take place on November 20-26, 2021. It is hosted by the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China.

The Industry Day (I-Day) is a forum organized in conjunction with FM and targets industrial development and use of formal methods. The objective of I-Day is to bring industry to the congress, and to foster the important discussion about where state of the art in formal methods is today, seen from an industry point of view.

As part of the Industry Day, our CEO Dr. Udo Brockmeyer will present a paper about “Two Decades of Formal Methods in Industrial Products at BTC Embedded Systems”, in which he will share our experience with variuos applications of formal methods with our industrial partners and customers.


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