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针对 ADAS/AD 虚拟验证的挑战






针对 ADAS/AD 虚拟验证的挑战




Use Cases

Formal Specification

Intuitive formal specification of safety requirements

Formal Requirements =
Better Requirements

What if your computer could understand your requirements?

In most development projects today, requirements are created and managed using informal natural language. 

As natural language typically leaves some room for interpretation, there’s the possibility that function developers or test engineers ultimately implement a different behavior than intended. 

With a semi-formal or formal notation in BTC EmbeddedSpecifier, you can transform your safety requirements into a clear, unambiguous and machine-readable representation – improving their quality and making them much more valuable for the following steps in the development workflow.

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Intuitive graphical language

Universal Pattern

From our perspective, formal notations have not gained more acceptance in embedded development projects for two primary reasons:

Formal languages like LTL are often considered to be too difficult to use

They do not provide enough traceability towards existing informal requirements.

With Universal Pattern, we address both issues efficiently. The graphical representation serves as an editor and at the same time as documentation, making the formal requirement easy to create, understand and review. We could call this “Model-based Requirements Engineering”.

A typical formalization workflow starts with the import of existing natural language requirements. The intuitive user interface guides you through the formalization process in three main steps:


In the first step, individual expressions or events within the requirement are identified as so-called “macros.”

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In a second step, these macros get graphically structured to define their relationship and timing behavior. 

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In the last workflow step, the macros are mapped to real interface objects of the system-under-test – making the requirement formal and machine-readable.

Finally a meaningful definition

Requirement Coverage

With natural language requirements, the definition of requirement coverage is always a tricky question. How can we be sure that a test case really covers its linked requirement? How can we be sure that one test case is enough to fully cover a requirement?

The answer to these questions typically relies on manual reviews.

Based on the Universal Pattern specification method, we provide a meaningful and mathematically sound definition of requirements coverage. This coverage is automatically evaluated and reported for a given set of test cases. In case of uncomplete coverage, you can even generate missing test cases fully automatically.

100% Automated

Formalized Requirements = Higher Quality

Thanks to the machine-readable nature of the formalized requirements, you can directly use them within several verification use cases and dramatically improve the quality and completeness of the verification process:

Formal Test

In a traditional requirements-based testing process, each test case is only evaluated against the requirement from which is was derived. But what if test case N°5 violates requirement N°10? Formal Test performs an automatic cross check of all test cases against all formalized requirements. This allows you to detect side effects without any additional testing effort.

Automatic Test Generation

Should a particular formal requirement not be fully covered by existing test cases, the Requirements-based Test Generation add-on allows generating missing test cases automatically, providing you 100% coverage for all requirements.

Formal Verification

Thanks to our powerful model checking technology, you can automatically obtain mathematically complete proof which guarantees a safety requirement can never be violated by your implementation. In case a requirement can be violated, we generate a counter example in the form of a test case.


ISO 26262

BTC EmbeddedPlatform已通过德国TÜV Süd认证,适合用于安全关键软件开发项目。 该证书适用于不同的标准,包括IEC 61508-3:3010,ISO 26262,EN 50128,IEC 62304以及ISO 25119。对于汽车标准ISO 26262,该证书适用于所有ASIL级别,包括ASIL D。作为验证工具,BTC EmbeddedTester被归类为TCL 3的最高工具置信度。 我们根据要求免费向客户提供证书和相应的报告,这大大减少甚至消除了客户方工具认证措施的任何努力
ISO 26262 Certificate










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BTC EmbeddedSpecifier

Step into the formal world with ease!