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Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode


Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode


Tech Summit & Grand Opening of BTC Inc

Date: November 6th 2019

Location: Scarab Club, 217 Farnsworth St, Detroit, MI 48202

BTC Embedded Systems is excited to announce the launch of our US based operations!  Please celebrate with us by joining our Technical Summit on software quality in the elegant Historic Scarab Club of Detroit.

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Topics include:

  • Model-based Software Development
  • Testing of Safety Critical Embedded Systems in compliance with ISO 26262
  • Software Development Process Optimization using Continuous Integration/Jenkins and Agile Methods
  • Finding Problems Earlier with Systematic MIL/SIL/PIL Unit Testing
  • Highly Automated Testing using Formal Methods
  • Verification Strategies for Autonomous Driving

Please find the complete agenda below:


About the location

Formed in 1907, the Scarab Club’s humble beginnings had one simple mission… to advance the knowledge and love of fine arts for the people of Detroit.  Since 1928, the current clubhouse has provided exhibits and workspace for many artists including Diego Rivera, Norman Rockwell, Marcel Duchamp and John Sinclair among many others.  Recognized on the U. S. National Register of Historic Places, this exquisite site is adorned with tile work from Detroit’s renowned Pewabic Pottery, and each exhibiting artist has followed the tradition of signing the ceiling beams in the lounge where the event will be held.


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