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Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode

Virtual Validation for ADAS/AD

How can I create the needed millions of scenarios?

How can I avoid the test explosion problem?

How can I find out if my tests are passed or failed?


Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode

Virtual Validation for ADAS/AD

How can I create the needed millions of scenarios?

How can I avoid the test explosion problem?

How can I find out if my tests are passed or failed?

Use Cases

Regression Test

100% Completeness, 0% Manual Effort


Regression Test

Regression test is a test method which ensures that an application still performs as intended after a change. Especially for changes like code optimization or restructuring the behavior of the application should still be the same. In a Model-based development approach with tools like Simulink or TargetLink, a regression test could happen either on the model level or on production code.

BTC EmbeddedPlatform manages this process automatically, with 100% completeness and 0% manual effort.

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BTC EmbeddedPlatform

Regression Test with BTC EmbeddedTester

BTC EmbeddedTester provides an ISO 26262 certified environment for the automated regression test on model (MIL) or code level (SIL/PIL).

The needed test cases can be generated automatically, making regression tests with BTC EmbeddedTester a true push-button solution. The test generation is based on so-called model checking technology. Unlike random algorithms, this technology not only guarantees that the smallest and shortest set of test cases to cover the desired objectives will be found, but it also performs a dynamic analysis showing that some objectives are unreachable. This means that the tool is able to mathematically prove that some coverage goals is not reachable.

Divide and Conquer

Hierarchical Test Approach

Especially when working with large models, Back-to-back testing becomes challenge when we only focus on the top level.  

But isolating that subsystem for test harness creation can require time-consuming and error-prone manual labor. And this often leads to additional models and artifacts which need to be stored, managed and maintained.

 With the powerful “hierarchical test approach” in BTC EmbeddedTester, all these problems are smoothly managed in the background. The needed test harness models are automatically generated “on-the-fly” from the original model, so that they don’t need to be stored or manually updated.


Test Automation & CI/CD

With the BTC EmbeddedTester Test Automation add-on, you are able to run your test workflows completely automatically. The test execution can be triggered by a script or by tools such as Jenkins. When the tests are finished, a comprehensive HTML report is generated, providing a clear overview of the results as well as hyperlinks to the integrated detailed reports.


With an off-the-shelf support for Jenkins, a powerful and flexible REST API and the availability of a Linux-based container image, BTC EmbeddedTester is ready for all your future test automation needs, on your own servers or even in the cloud. 


ISO 26262

BTC EmbeddedPlatform (inkl. BTC EmbeddedTester BASE, BTC EmbeddedTester, BTC EmbeddedSpecifier and BTC EmbeddedValidator) ist vom TÜV Süd für die Nutzung in sicherheitskritischen Projekten zertifiziert. Das Zertifikat gilt für die Standards IEC 61508-3:3010, ISO 26262, EN 50128, IEC 62304 as well as ISO 25119. Für den in der Automobilbranche geltenden Standard ISO 26262 ist BTC EmbeddedPlatform mit dem höchsten Tool Confidence Level TCL 3 für alle ASIL Level inklusive ASIL D zertifiziert. Dank dieses Zertifikats, welches wir unseren Kunden kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen, lässt sich der Aufwand zur Tool Qualifizierung innerhalb Ihrer Projekte nahezu eleminieren.
ISO 26262 Certificate

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Sie möchten unsere Tools in Ihrer Entwicklungsumgebung testen? Gerne stellen wir Ihnen eine kostenfreie Evaluierungslizenz zur Verfügung., inkl. Kick-Off Trainings-Workshop und Support durch unser Team.

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Sharing insights on embedded software development, model-based design, automatic code generation and ISO 26262 compliant testing.


Videos & Webinars

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BTC EmbeddedTester

Smart test generation for an ISO 26262 certified and fully automated Back-to-Back Test