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Webinar – New Features in BTC EmbeddedPlatform

Markus Gros

Nabile Khoury

December 5th, 15:00 CET (Berlin) / 09:00 EST (Detroit) / 19:30 IST (Bangalore) / 12:00 CST (Beijing) 

December 6th, 10:00 CET (Berlin) / 04:00 EST (Detroit) / 14:30 IST (Bangalore) / 17:00 CST (Beijing) 

New Features in BTC EmbeddedPlatform

For the holiday season 2023, we are bringing our international engineering team together to share their favorite new features of BTC EmbeddedPlatform.

Highlights include:

  • Adaptive AUTOSAR and C++
  • Performance improvements for simulations and proofs
  • CI/CD Improvements incl. Docker, Linux, REST API and Github Actions
  • Integrated Code Debugging
  • FMU Support
  • An ISO 26262 compliant process to justify and document unreachable code

Please join Jason Tobias, Markus Gros, Nabile Khoury, Taichi Ando, Wolfgang Meincke, Thabo Krick, Yatish Chitluri and Nathan Drasovean for our last webinar of the year.

Watch the recording


Markus Gros

Berlin, Germany

Senior Vice President Marketing & Sales

Markus Gros studied Mechatronics at the University of Darmstadt and at the Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona. After his Diploma in 2007, he began working for dSPACE in Paris where he provided support, trainings and consulting to French customers in the Automotive and Aerospace Domain for topics including model-based development, automatic code generation, AUTOSAR and ISO 26262. In 2012, he joined BTC Embedded Systems AG where he is today responsible for global marketing & sales activities. Since the beginning of 2019, he also serves as President of the newly founded daughter company BTC Embedded Systems Inc. in Detroit.

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Nabile Khoury

Paris, France

Senior Application Engineer

Nabile Khoury studied Electronics and Computer Science at the University “Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers” in Paris. From 2010 to 2016, he worked in automotive companies, mainly in the powertrain department of the French car maker PSA Peugeot Citroën, as software engineer specialized in Model-Based Development involving AUTOSAR and ISO 26262 compliant processes. He then joined BTC Embedded Systems AG where he currently works as a Director Sales and Business Development Europe in Paris/France.    

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